PHRASAL VERB 喋喋不休地讲;滔滔不绝地说 When you say that someone rattles on about something, you mean that they talk about it for a long time in a way that annoys you.
I heard my mother rattling on and on about the day I get married, what I must wear, how I must act, who I must invite... 我听着妈妈喋喋不休地唠叨着我结婚那天应该穿什么,应该怎么做,应该请些什么人。
He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。
In this performance, Rattle had the acoustic of the Symphony Hall on his side. 这场演出中,拉特尔有交响乐大厅出色的音响效果做他的后盾。
I heard my mother rattling on and on about the day I get married, what I must wear, how I must act, who I must invite 我听着妈妈喋喋不休地唠叨着我结婚那天应该穿什么,应该怎么做,应该请些什么人。
He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。
Still, many true believers will brush off the rattle and keep on believing. 不过,许多真正信念坚定的投资者不会理睬这样的波折,依然会继续坚持己见。
Don't let her rattle on, which is a waste of your time and hers. 别由她叽里呱啦说个不停,浪费你俩的时间。
I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out. 我想那辆老爷车即使马达掉了也还能嘎拉嘎拉地前行。
And Iran seems undiminished in its determination to pursue its nuclear ambitions, no matter how much America and its allies rattle sabres and pile on sanctions. 而不管美国及其盟国如何挥舞军刀和加强制裁,伊朗追求核武的决心似乎一点也未减弱。
Then the rattle on the knocker. 之后是连续的叩门声。
Ben: Dad, I can't rattle on somebody. 本:爸爸,我不能连累任何人。
Then the rattle on the knocker. I sat, fingers taut round the arms of the wooden seat, trying to breathe in the balm of roses and lavender. 我坐着一动不动,手指紧抠着木椅的扶手,竭力让自己呼吸玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。